A little bit of soul
Add just a touch of magic [mering]
and BOOM! You got the greatest thing since rock 'n' roll
PHOTO: (from left to right) Z. Mering, Z. Mering, Z. Mering, Z. Mering, Z. Mering, Z. Mering (by RN/tMK)
One of my fav things about Zak Mering is his ability to emulate anything he chooses by manipulating his voice and sound, and mixing layers out of his quirky-and-creative-role-playing-self. BUT, of course, it doesn't stop there—he doesn't just play copycat, no, no, no—it's his own Magic Mering touch that leads what was once familiar into something new and strangely awesome. This unique individual—and I'd like to stress, individual—can quickly transform himself from a single Shredder (Turtles reference...duh) to a twelve-legged athlete on any given night—leaving you in awe while his voice takes laps around the track.
So with that said, I'd like to place you at the starting line (------) for this next zak-a-trak; here's his (their?) latest cover of the Turtles, You Baby............(just for You Baby).
[MP3] Raw Thrills - You Baby
This is off his 2nd LP, entitled, Sick Steez (...Sixties?), which also features a collab with Ariel Pink, and is set to be released thru our fav Japanese label, Sixteen Tambourines, this spring.
Check the original below.
[MP3] Turtles - You Baby
Gunk TV | Bandcamp